Math Fun Library

1. What is the difference between Algorithm and Logarithm ?
2. What are Unnatural Numbers ?
3. What is Pascal's Triangle ?
4. Is it alright to call 12/4 as 'Twelve over Four' ?
5. Why do we sutract in the division process ?
6. What is an Equivalent Fraction ?
7. What does 'One Decimal Place' mean ?
8. What is 'Arbitrary'?
9. What is 'Arithmetical Mean' ?
10. What is 'Change of Signs' ?
11. How can one remember which is the Numerator and which is the Denominator ?
12. When you say 'Deduce' in arithmetic, what actually do you mean ?
13. How dows 'Deduce' relate to Deduction ?
14. What use is the Binary System, in modern world ?
15. How does it relate to the Distributive Law of Multiplications ?
16. Are statistics always depicted in graphic in vertical forms or are there other ways of
     representing them ?
17. What is 'Evaluate' ?
18. What does 'Geometrical Mean' mean in arithmetic ?
19. There are generally two Unity Fractions in every equation. Then how do we know which one to
      use ?
20. How does the Metric System compare with the English System ?
21. What are the advantages of the Metric System over the English System ?
22. What is 'Improper' about an Improper Fraction ?
23. How does Factorial relate to Factoring ?
24. What is 'Rounding Off' in arithmetic ?
25. What is Cuneiform writing of numerals ?
26. Can we perform the four operations of add, subtract, divide or multiply Per Cent Numbers ?
27. What is the difference between Measurement Numbers and Ordinary Numbers ?
28. Is there any quick arithmetical method of converting Fahrenheit to Centigrade or from
     Centigrade to Fahrenheit ?
29. What is the difference between Monomial Expression and Multinomial Expression ?
30. What is a 'Numerical Coefficient' ?
31. Why is number 13 called Unlucky ?
32. The number 999 is considered a very interesting number. Why ?
33. What is the biggest known Prime Number ?
34. How are the smallest measurements expressed ?
35. Is 1729 Unlucky ?
36. Is it true that some people believe that Odd Numbers are Lucky ?
37. What is the connection between Permutation and Combination ?
38. Sexagesimal, does it have anything to do with sex ?
39. What is 'Unique' in arithmetic ?
40. Why is number 99 called doctor's number ?