Math Logic

Question :
How would you describe the Sieve of Eratosthenes ?

Answer :
The most effective known method of locating primes, this procedure separates the primes out of the set of all whole numbers.
It was created by Eratosthenes, an ancient Greek Mathematician.
Algorithm :
1. Write a list of numbers from 2 to the largest number you want to test for primality. Call this List A.
2. Write the number 2, the first prime number, in another list for primes found. Call this List B.
3. Strike off 2 and all multiples of 2 from List A.
4. The first remaining number in the list is a prime number. Write this number into List B.
5. Strike off this number and all multiples of this number from List A. The crossing-off of multiples can be started at the square of the number, as lower multiples have already been crossed out in previous steps.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until no more numbers are left in List A. Note that, once you reach a number greater than the square root of the highest number in List A, all the numbers remaining in List A are prime.